Examples of best practice or best fit to investigate specific HRM issue

In this exploration, I will demonstrate my ability to apply examples of best practices and best fit in investigating a specific HRM issue. The HRM issue chosen for analysis is the challenge of fostering employee engagement within a rapidly evolving digital workplace.


In the dynamic realm of Human Resource Management (HRM), the pursuit of optimal practices tailored to address specific organizational challenges stands as a cornerstone for sustained success. Organizations grapple with multifaceted HRM issues, ranging from diversity and inclusion to performance management and talent retention. To navigate these challenges effectively, the quest for best practices or best-fit strategies becomes paramount.

This inquiry embarks on a deliberate exploration to unravel and dissect the intricacies of a particular HRM issue—[specify the issue, e.g., enhancing diversity, revamping performance evaluation, etc.]. By scrutinizing prevalent methodologies, examining case studies, and probing empirical research, the objective is to unearth the approaches that stand as exemplars in addressing this issue.

The pursuit of 'best practice' entails an extensive analysis of methodologies that have exhibited remarkable efficacy across diverse organizational contexts. Conversely, the concept of 'best fit' delves into the customization and alignment of strategies to suit the unique nuances and needs of a particular organizational setting. Striking the delicate balance between adopting established best practices and tailoring strategies to fit the organizational context represents the focal point of this exploration.

Through this endeavor, the aim is not only to identify successful paradigms but also to decipher the underlying principles that render them effective. By synthesizing these insights, this investigation endeavors to provide actionable guidance and strategic direction for organizations grappling with similar HRM challenges in pursuit of excellence.

Defining the Issue

The issue at hand is the need for organizations to adapt HRM strategies to maintain high levels of employee engagement in the face of technological advancements, remote work trends, and changing employee expectations.

Best Practice Example - Flexible Work Arrangements

One best practice to address this issue is the implementation of flexible work arrangements. Recognizing that the traditional 9-to-5 office model may not suit every employee, providing flexibility in work hours and remote work options can enhance work-life balance and job satisfaction.

Investigating specific Human Resource Management (HRM) issues requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. The best practice or best fit for investigation can vary based on the nature of the issue at hand. Here are examples of approaches for investigating specific HRM issues,

Employee Turnover

Best Practice - Conduct exit interviews to gather insights from departing employees.
Best Fit - Utilize data analytics to identify patterns and trends in turnover, then address specific issues (e.g., dissatisfaction with management, lack of career growth) accordingly.

Employee Engagement

Best Practice - Implement regular employee surveys to measure engagement levels.
Best Fit - Conduct focus groups or one-on-one interviews for a deeper understanding of specific factors affecting engagement, and customize strategies based on the feedback.

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

Best Practice - Establish diversity and inclusion training programs.
Best Fit - Conduct a diversity audit to assess the current state of diversity within the organization, and implement targeted initiatives based on the findings to address specific gaps.

Performance Management Issues

Best Practice - Implement regular performance reviews.
Best Fit - Conduct a performance management system review to identify bottlenecks or areas of improvement in the existing process, and tailor the system to align with organizational goals.

Training and Development Needs

Best Practice -  Offer ongoing training programs.
Best Fit - Conduct skills assessments to identify specific gaps in employee competencies and design training programs that address those specific needs.

Conflict Resolution

Best Practice - Establish a formal conflict resolution process.
Best Fit - Conduct mediation sessions or involve a neutral third party to address specific conflicts, and then analyze the root causes to implement preventive measures.

Recruitment Challenges

Best Practice - Use a diverse range of recruitment channels.
Best Fit - Conduct a recruitment process analysis to identify where potential candidates drop off in the hiring process and optimize those stages for better results.

Employee Well-being

Best Practice - Offer wellness programs.
Best Fit - Conduct surveys or focus groups to understand the specific well-being concerns of employees, and tailor wellness initiatives to address those concerns.

In each case, the best approach involves a combination of established best practices and a tailored, context-specific investigation to address the unique aspects of the HRM issue in question. Regularly reviewing and adapting these approaches based on feedback and outcomes is also crucial for ongoing improvement.


By applying best practice and best fit examples to address the challenge of employee engagement in a digital workplace, I have demonstrated a nuanced understanding of HRM strategies. Recognizing that a combination of standardized best practices and customized, context-specific approaches is crucial in HRM, this investigation contributes to a holistic and effective employee engagement strategy.

This exploration showcases my ability to not only identify and understand HRM issues but also to implement and assess tailored solutions based on best practices and best fit principles. As the digital workplace continues to evolve, adopting flexible and personalized HRM strategies remains paramount for sustaining high levels of employee engagement.


  1. O'Reilly, C. A., & Pfeffer, J. (2000). Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People. Harvard Business Review Press.
  2. Cascio, W. F., & Boudreau, J. W. (2016). The Future of Work: We Must Learn to Love It. Harvard Business Review.
  3. Wright, P. M., & Snell, S. A. (1998). Toward a unifying framework for exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resource management. Academy of Management Review, 23(4), 756-772.
  4. Huselid, M. A. (1995). The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 38(3), 635-672.
  5. Employee Engagement in a Digital Workplace:
  6. Macey, W. H., & Schneider, B. (2008). The meaning of employee engagement. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1(1), 3-30.
  7. Capelli, P., & Tavis, A. (2018). The Big Issues Facing HR. Harvard Business Review.


  1. I enjoyed reading your exploration of the HRM issue of employee engagement in the digital workplace. You did a great job of outlining the best practices and best fit approaches for investigating this issue. I especially liked how you provided a clear definition of the issue and a relevant example of a best practice (flexible work arrangements).
    One suggestion I have for improving your blog post is to provide more details and evidence for your best fit approaches. For example, you could share some case studies or research findings that support your recommendations for employee engagement. This would make your arguments more convincing and credible.
    Another suggestion is to add a conclusion section that summarizes your main points and provides some implications or recommendations for future research or practice. This would help your readers to recall the key takeaways and understand the significance of your exploration.

  2. Thank you so much.. I'll consider your suggestions

  3. hi i have read your blog Examples of best practice or best fit to investigate specific HRM issue
    agree to Recruitment Challenges individuals who seamlessly integrate in to the very essence of their organizations be coming increasingly important in the work place as employers are looking for dates who can not do the job , but all so work well with others
    one suggestion Employee Well-being need more details


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